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CITIZEN VR Series: Astronaut

For this one I used clay shaders created by my buddy Jama Jurabaev. It's a great way to present your concept sculpts or designs without spending several hours on texturing.

For this one I used clay shaders created by my buddy Jama Jurabaev. It's a great way to present your concept sculpts or designs without spending several hours on texturing.

Astronaut - 3D Modeling in VR / Gravity Sketch (Oculus Quest) (skip to 1s)
Here I just show basic modeling using primitives (just like blocking up shapes in painting), later I added kitbash parts for smaller details.

This is a sculpt that started as a co-creation test for #GravitySketch. It's a pretty cool feature where you can sculpt and chat with your friend in VR from any part of the world. I totally see this being useful for teaching.